Empowered Relief Workshops at Mother Nature Psychology

Pain Management Education

At Mother Nature Psychology, we offer empowered relief workshops. These workshops were originally developed by Pain Psychologists at Standford University.

The workshop is a single session of 2 hours evidence-based pain management education. It is ideal for women experiencing persistent pelvic pain, endometriosis and adenomyosis as well as other chronic pain.

The workshop is designed to support you to suffer less, live better, and do more of what you enjoy through a ‘whole person’ approach.

Mother Nature Psychology

Train your brain away from pain

We provide the Empowered Relief workshop to assist with pain relief. This evidence-based, skills- based class requires only ONE VISIT to obtain lasting skills and resources for managing pain. In the 2 hour workshop you will have the opportunity to;

  • Learn about pain and what you can do to help yourself

  • Gain pain relief skills you can use right away

  • Receive a free binaural relaxation audio file

  • Create a personal plan for pain relief

  • Bring a friend or family member with you

Mother Nature Psychology

Contact us to discuss attending an online or in-person Empowered Relief workshop